Tuesday, January 24, 2012

HLTH 301 Blog # 1 How Healthy Are You?

You were required to complete the Assess Yourself questionnaire: How Healthy Are You?

You read the instructions, completed the questionnaire, and assessed your scores.
Now I would like you to evaluate your results.

Total your scores in each of the health dimensions and compare them to what would be considered optimal scores which is listed on the personal checklist. Provide all scores for me.

What do your scores mean (interpret)? Which areas do you need to work on (list and reflect on those areas)?

How does your score compare with how you rated yourself in the first part of the questionnaire?

The Assess Yourself activity gave you the opportunity to examine the status of your health in the six dimensions. Now that you have considered the results, you can take steps toward changing certain behaviors that may be detrimental to your health.

What can you do today?

Within the next two weeks you can?

By the end of the semester what can you accomplish?


  1. My physical (33), social (33), spiritual (32), intellectual (34), personal health promotion(34), all tell me that I am generally health conscious, but my physical and environmental health is what I can improve on the most. With my personal health score coming to a total of 33, there are little things I can do such as exercising more and eating healthier foods to improve the well-being of my personal health. With my environmental health being at a low 23, I need to take more action and find ways such as recycling more, buying more green products, or even using less water when in the bathroom to help keep the environment a safe place. Even though physical and environmental is what I need help with the most; I can always find little ways to improve all dimensions of health and finally get that perfect 40. All of my scores are a direct correlation of how I rated myself. Many of my answers to the questions asked were either some of the time or usually/always. I answered a couple as rarely or never, and that shows me that those specific things are what I can change to make it some of the time and eventually to usually/always. In the personal health promotion section, I find myself being responsible to a degree, but definitely need to change when it comes to asking a friend to drive me home when I have had a drink. I tend to say that it’s okay to have one drink and to drive home, but there may be a time when things are not going my way and I end up getting arrested for D.U.I. due to that ONE drink. Also I need to know how to do a self-breast exam in order to know my health status with breast cancer. I can ask a doctor to show me the proper way and get information on how many times I need to perform this exam in order to make sure that I can catch any signs before it becomes too late. The things I can do today that can improve my overall well-being is to evaluate my behaviors, notice my patterns, and try to change the specific things I do that are not helping me go in the right direction. In addition to recognizing my problem, I can talk to someone like my mother and ask for her support to help change my way of living. Within the next two weeks I can come up with a plan and write it down on a piece of paper. If I want to lose 5 pounds by the end of the week for example, I can write down what it is I need to do in order to help me obtain that goal. Support from friends and family are important, so the great relationship with the few friends I have, I have to maintain. It is always good to have people in your corner who are going to support healthy lifestyle changes. By the end of the semester, I want to be able to understand the importance of a self-exam and to perform one as often as I should. I also want to take advantages of a good opportunity and do not let one bad experience ruin the rest of my life. I want to be able to reflect on my life and say “I truly lived each day like my last”.

  2. 301 Page blog 1
    On Assess Yourself I kind of had a feeling about how I was going to score before I started. I felt I as low on the physical aspect. The other fields I felt that I would do okay.
    On the physical health I had rated myself as 3, but on the assessment I scored a 25. I got in a wreck several years ago, in which I had a knee injury. I was on crutches for 3 months. When they did surgery on my knee, the doctor thought it was a fairly simple injury. After the surgery he came into my room and told me my knee was worse than he thought it was, but due to swelling the MRI did not show the extent of the injury. He had to regroove my knee joint and repair cartilage damage. I had to go through 6 months of physical therapy. This injury has kept me from hiking and riding my mountain bike like I had been doing. This caused me to be putting on weight. Since I could not ride or hike like I was used to, I could not do my solo canoe or kayak trips.
    On Social health I rated myself at 4 and scored 31 on the assessment. I feel I was pretty close on this level.
    On emotional health I had rated myself at 4 and score a 31 on the assessment. I feel I was pretty close. I do okay an emotional as long as I don’t watch Old Yeller.
    Environmental Health I rated myself at 4 I scored 33 on the assessment. I own a canoe and kayak business so I am involved in a lot of environmental causes.
    On Spiritual Health I ranked myself at 4 and scored 34 on the assessment. I feel that there has to be a higher power. Going on the river and watching wildlife is a “religious experience”.
    On Intellectual Health, I rated myself 4 and scored 34 on the assessment. I live 3 blonde women (Labrador retrievers). So I kind of talk to them, but really I am talking to myself since they don’t talk back.
    On Personal Health and Disease prevention I rated myself 4 and scored 34 on the assessment. I feel that I have been pretty good at keep clear of diseases that I could.
    I feel that I need to control my weight better than I have. I need to start riding my bike and hope I can build back up close to where I was before my wreck. I have met someone that I can do more personal paddle trips with so I hope this will help me some too, in working toward a better physical health.

  3. Physical Health: My score was 33, in the 30-34 range, which is good, but with room for improvement. I initially rated myself 4, which aligns well with the test results. I usually feel well and have good checkups. I enjoy walking, but have noticed myself getting slower and getting winded more easily. My lowest score was on how I feel about my weight, because I know I am overweight. I do some exercise, but it is often something that I leave out when I’m pressed for time. What I can do today is do my balance and strengthening exercises. Over the next two weeks I can walk at least twenty minutes three days a week and do balance and strengthening exercises at least three days a week. By the end of the semester I can increase the walking to thirty minutes.
    Social Health: I scored 37, in the optimal range. I initially rated myself 3, because I have very few very close friends and I don’t often get together with friends just to socialize. I try to be friendly, but sometimes I have a hard time knowing what to talk about when I meet someone new. However, I am active in several organizations and enjoy my interactions with the people I’ve met through them, and enjoy working with them toward common goals. One thing I can work on to improve my social life is to get my house de-cluttered enough to invite people over once in a while. Today I can sort through a pile of papers and file or recycle them. In the next two weeks I can donate or recycle a pile of magazines.
    Emotional Health: I scored 33, good with room for improvement. This was a little better than my initial rating of 3, which I still think is more accurate because of the way some of the questions were worded. Sometimes it’s a little too easy for me to express my emotions, like crying at inopportune times. Sometimes things I say come out sounding more harsh than I would like if I have built-up frustration over a situation. My lowest score had to do with optimism in the face of difficult situations. I often focus more on obstacles than opportunities. Some things I can do are count my blessings, use positive self-talk and self-affirmation, and keep my stress level under control by not letting myself get behind in my schoolwork this semester.
    Environmental Health: I scored 38, in the outstanding range, but I scored myself a 4 because I have concerns about our local air quality, and my carbon footprint is bigger than I would like. My lowest scores were in using biodegradable cleaning products and awareness of potential hazards. Today I can read the latest email from the Environmental Working Group. In the next 2 weeks I can install 3 new fluorescent light bulbs. By the end of the semester I can shop for greener cleaning products as I run out of what I have on hand.
    Spiritual Health: My score was 37, in the outstanding range. I rated myself a 4 because I have been struggling with some of my religion’s teachings that seem contradictory to me, and my local church is very slow in adopting constructive changes. Today I can pray for wisdom and patience. Over the next few months I can help my church work toward doing more community service and adopting greener practices as a member of a newly reorganized committee.
    Intellectual Health: My score was 32, good with room for improvement. I scored myself a 4. I am intelligent, but I tend to procrastinate, get overwhelmed by a big to-do list and have trouble deciding what to tackle first. My lowest score was time management. If I accomplish all the goals I’ve listed above, I’ll be doing pretty well with that. I can break tasks into smaller chunks and work on them a little at a time instead of taking an all-or-nothing approach and letting tasks accumulate until they seem unmanageable. Having a more structured schedule with an 8:30 class five days a week is forcing me to be more organized.
    Personal Health Promotion: My score was 39, in the outstanding range. My only shortcoming was knowledge of the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. Since I’m married and monogamous and get regular checkups, I’m not worried about it.

  4. Assess Yourself, 301 Grooms
    Physical: 27/40
    Social: 38/40
    Emotional: 31/40
    Enviromental: 28/40
    Spritual: 36/40
    Intellectual: 37/40
    Personal: 29/40
    My scores indicate that I have an average overall health, but I need to work on my personal & physical health. I feel my scores or not optimal for these categories and the only reason I have an average health is because of the higher scores in other areas. I am not physically in shape, and when I work on my physical health I believe that my personal health will drastically improve because of the interlinking of these six dimensions of health. When I assessed myself at the beginning I knew approximately how healthy I was, so my prediction was very close to the actual results. I can start changing my physical and personal health, in order to, improve other dimensions of my health by starting with exercising, eating well and making smarter decisions. This assessment has opened my eyes to how important health is, how each dimension is effected, and the interlinking of these dimensions and their importance to my well being.

  5. Physical Health - 25
    Social Health - 37
    Emotional Health - 33
    Environmental Health - 32
    Spiritual Health - 39
    Intellectual Health - 33
    Personal Health Promotion - 37

    My physical health score means that I am at risk for health problems. I am taking care of these needs the best I can. My emotional, environmental and intellectual health scores mean that they are good, but could use improvement. My social, spiritual and personal health scores mean that I am doing outstanding in these areas, but could possibly still do some changing. I know I need to work the most on my physical health, which I am doing, to the best of my ability. I have seven doctors and several diseases and disorders I need to keep track of on a daily basis. I'm not sure there are many behaviors I can change to prevent these, since I did not do anything harmful to develop my conditions in the first place. My scores compared to how I rated myself in the first part of the questionnaire show that I may be above average on all the health sections, except physical. Today, I can change my attitude to be more positive. I tend to have a negative out look on a lot of situations, mostly my physical and intellectual health. In the next two weeks, hopefully I will have improved my attitude and by the end of the semester, I can take what I've learned from this course to better myself as a person.

  6. 301 Hudson

    After completing the “How Healthy Are You” assessment, I learned several things about myself. After reviewing my results, I realized that the health dimension that I would consider optimal scores would be my social, spiritual, and intellectual health. The areas that I need a tremendous amount of improvement would be my emotional and environmental health. Although my score for my physical health is neither outstanding or at risk it could use some improvement. My scores for my social, spiritual and intellectual health were all considered outstanding, while my scores for my emotional and environmental health were considered as at risk.
    By my social, spiritual, and intellectual health scores being high indicates that I am aware of the importance of these dimensions in my life. After completing the assessment, I realized that my social health is my strongest dimension. My social health score was a thirty-nine, proving that I practice in good health habits in this particular area. Due to my spiritual and intellectual health scores also being considered outstanding, it indicates that I am well aware of things that occur in my life. I also learned that although it may seem as if I live my life on the edge and to the fullest, I consider all possible consequences and learn from my mistakes.
    My lower health dimension scores were emotional and environmental. My emotional health score was a twenty-seven, while my environmental score was the lowest at a twenty-two. Because my scores were extremely lower than the ideal score, I realized that these were two areas that I need to make changes in order to get back in the healthy standards. While wrong, I know that my environmental health score is the lowest because I don’t care as much as I should about this particular area. My emotional health suffers because while I may seem happy or content all the time, I tend to hide my true feelings behind a smile. I have a hard time expressing myself so the anger and pain only gets worse.
    The score of my physical health is neither outstanding or at risk but I personally know that it is an area that I am not particularly satisfied with. There are no signs of me being unhealthy in the physical health area but I realize it myself. My physical health is negatively affected due to the fact that I am not happy with my physical appearance. Even though I’m average for my height, I’m rather short so I feel as though I should be smaller than what I am. This is a minor problem in my health that I could change based off of a slight change in my behavior.
    As far as my social, spiritual and intellectual health dimensions are concerned I need to remain content with what I have been doing and focus more on my lower score areas. Starting today, I can take more interest in my environmental health. In order to change the score of my emotional, I have to maintain a positive attitude and accept that everything isn’t going to go the way I plan all the times. I plan to begin eating healthy and working out on my free time. I believe that if I stay focus, I can meet all of my goals of starting and being successful in this new healthy beginning.

  7. ` Completing this Assess Yourself activity was defiantly an eye opener for me! After completing it I came to realize that some of my scores where higher or lower than I had originally expected them to be. In the physical health category I scored a twenty-three, when the optimum score was forty. In the social health section I scored a thirty-six, with the optimum being forty. As far as emotional health goes I scored a thirty-four out of the optimum forty. In environmental health I scored a twenty-four out of forty. In the spiritual category I scored a thirty-four out of a possible forty. In intellectual health I scored thirty-five out of forty. Finally, in the second physical health section I scored thirty-eight compared to the optimum score of forty.
    In the social and the second physical health categories I scored above a thirty-five, which means I’m really doing well in these two areas. In emotional, spiritual, and intellectual categories I scored between thirty and thirty-four which means my health in those areas is good but of course there is some room for some improvement. In physical and environmental health categories I scored between twenty and twenty-nine. This means that I really do have quite a few risks going on in these areas. I defiantly need to work on my physical and environmental health. Looking at my physical health specifically I realize that I’m not taking care of my body the way I should. I’m not exercising enough or getting the amount of sleep my body needs each night. After answering questions in the environmental section I’ve discovered that there are a lot more things that I can do to help the environment around me. I’m planning to work hard and improve especially in these two areas.
    Before beginning the actual Assess Yourself activity there was a section where you could rate yourself. Some of my ratings were very close while others were way off. In physical health I rated myself with a two and scored a twenty-three. These were actually very close, which is pretty sad on my part! Social health was a little bit of a shocker for me. I originally ranked myself as a three, because I usually keep to myself, but in the section I scored a thirty-six! In emotional health I ranked myself as a three and scored a thirty-four and I think that those scores are probably pretty close. In environmental health I ranked myself as a three and my score was actually was a twenty-four, which I think is pretty low and I’m kind of disappointed about it. As far as spiritual health I ranked myself at four and scored a thirty-four so I’m pretty pleased in that category. Intellectual health I ranked myself as a five and scored a thirty-five which isn’t too far off!
    Doing this activity helped me to see which areas of my life I really do need to work on and improve. Thanks to these results I can begin to make myself a better person!
    Starting today I can begin to make plans and start on a track to improve my life. By setting out some clear goals and deciding what I’m going to do in order to reach them, I can begin to get ready to improve my health.
    Within two weeks I can begin to implement the strategies I have developed to achieve my goals. I can start working out more, eating healthier, and try to find more ways to make my life environmentally friendly.
    By the end of the semester I hope to have accomplished better overall health. I want to improve the areas that I’m currently lacking in while also maintaining the areas I’m doing well in. I hope that I’ll have developed a healthier me!

  8. The optimal scores for all the categories were 40. My scores were as follows:
    Personal Health: 32
    Social Health: 39
    Emotional Health: 35
    Environmental Health: 23
    Spiritual Health: 34
    Intellectual Health: 35
    Personal Health Promotion/ Disease Prevention: 33
    I think for the most part my scores reflect that I am very good in all areas of my health. I think my scores reflect that I am knowledgeable about what I need to do for my body to make sure I am a healthy person. They could all be improved to some extent but only one of them is very low. I definitely need to improve my environmental health. My environmental health score is very low especially when compared to my scores in the other health categories.
    My scores reflect how I rated myself in the beginning very well. For everything other than environmental health I rated myself with a 3 or 4 which is about average and that is what my scores show. For environmental health I gave myself a 2 which definitely fits my low score of 23 I got.
    Environmental Health is the main category that I need to make improvements on. I can start making improvements today by trying to recycle more and making sure that when I am not in a room I turn off the lights and unplug anything that I am not using. Over the next two weeks I can use my car less by walking to school since I live at Patriot Place Apartments and making sure I am continuing to recycle and keeps light and things not being used unplugged. By the end of the semester I hope to be more energy efficient by continuing to do the things I previously stated and improving on some of the things that I already do.

  9. After completing the questionnaire my total score for physical health was 29, for social health 36, emotional health 33, environmental health 20, spiritual health 38, and in intellectual health I scored 37. Compared to what is to be considered optimal health my scores were fairly good. A region that I needed the most help in, and scored the lowest in, was environmental health.
    Scoring 29 when it comes to my physical health shows that I have potential health risks that need to be looked at. This allows me to know that I need to find out what might happen if I fail to make changes and reasons why I should not prolong making healthier choices about my health. Another low score that I received was a 20 in environmental health. Scores below a 20 indicate that I am making unnecessary risks that may hinder my health and that all of these issues need to be addressed immediately. However I did receive scores of 30 and better and these scores indicate that I do have some good health habits that with a few changes I could achieve optimal health. Compared to how I rated myself in the first part of the questionnaire had not really changed. The area where I still needed the most improvement was still the same, and that was environmental health.
    As of today I know that I can now begin taking steps in making me a better and healthier person as well has as making my environment a better place to live. Today I know that I need to sit down and look at my weaknesses and devise a plan that will help me improve them. To improve my health I can start out by making healthier food choices as well try and find ways to incorporate exercise into my daily activities. I could find ways to better help my environment by recycling more and taking advantage of the blue recycling bins on campus, as well using both sides of the paper when taking notes. Two weeks from now I will hopefully have a plan that I can use and will be implementing into my everyday life.

  10. My total showed me that i have good and bad things about my health. Risks are showing in my personal health and my environmental health needs to improve a lot. My physical health was outstanding. My social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual health were very good. My scores were about the same when compared to the first part of the questionnarie. Today, I can take steps toward improving the lacking issues in my health. I could start recycling and exercising more. I could also ask for professional help when I have health issues. If I work hard I can achieve better physical health.

  11. Hello everyone,
    I was overall pleased with the results of my Access Yourself, but there are areas that need major work! My personal health score was a 29 and I wouldn’t say that’s poor, but it could be much better. A lot has to do with how I interpret “healthy”. No I don’t exercise, but I feel like if I’m not over weight or under weight, then I’m okay. I also know that this is not the correct mentality to have and I have recently joined a gym to work on this area because I also know weight size is not the only thing that defines “healthy”.
    My social and emotional scores were not far from perfect, they were both a 36. I love interacting with people. Sometimes I’d rather analyze my feelings myself. I also don’t participate in a wide variety of social activities simply because I’m kind of lazy. Emotionally I have no problem expressing myself when necessary.
    My spiritual score was a 37, my intellectual and personal health, were both 38.I think these areas are my strongest simply because these are heavily enforced in my household. My family are very religious people and they instilled that in me from birth. My parents also stress the fact that being intelligent and able to make wise decisions, will carry you a long way in life. With gaining knowledge and using it, proved them to be right, therefore I stuck with it.
    Disappointingly, my environmental health was the poorest of them all, an 18. This was not a big deal in my household so I never considered or thought about making this a big deal. I watch the news and see all of the health hazards related to our environment and I am aware of them, but it still doesn’t urge me to do better. This area I feel will be hard for me to improve on by myself, but I know it needs major work, so I will definitely try to get some help. My score did not surprise me, but it also did not make me proud and I am determined to increase this score.

  12. Physical-29
    Overall I scored between average and above average health
    I believe my scores mean that while i still have things that need improving(physical and environmental) overall I'm in good health
    In the first section I found i didn't give myself enough credit
    Today I can start a journal
    in 2weeks I can review that journal and see how I may have changed
    by the end of the semester I can value each day and make the best of opportunities

  13. My scores mean that I need to have at least a nice percentile in each area of the dimensions of health. My scores compare between the two parts were different in a distint way. the second part I need alot of work in some areas. Today I can take time and make a list of the things that is important to me. Within the next two weeks I can learn how to manage my emotions. By the end of the semester I would be able to balance my health dimensions way better than before

  14. My scores ranged from personal health 25, social health 36, emotional health 34, environmental health 20, spiritual health 33, intellectual health 31, and physical health 36; these were all scores out of 40. My scores interpreted that I have low personal and environmental health. But surprisingly, I have good to outstanding social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical health.
    As a young college student I need to really work on my personal health. It’s so easy not to exercise and eat well just because of the busy and overwhelming schedule I uphold. The second health issue I face is my environmental health. Personally, I don’t have much concern for the environment as I should, which is not a good thing, because I am a human being that lives on this earth.
    At the beginning of the assessment, I had already rated myself with low scores in environmental and physical health. Simply because I do not pay much attention too or even think about those two types of health in my life. Also at the beginning I rated my self highly in other areas because, I guess I pay more attention to them on a daily bases.
    What can I do today? One pattern that I’m on the way to changing is my physical health. Just because I have a hectic schedule doesn’t mean that I cannot take a few minutes out of the day to exercise. The second thing that I am changing is the amount of sugar I intake a day, by monitoring the amount of sugar grams per item I eat or drink. The family members I told in order to keep me motivated were my mother and boyfriend. I know that they will be the ones to encourage me no matter the excuse or the problem.
    Within in the next two weeks? As I said earlier in my “what can I do today,” I choose maintaining a healthy eating habit, controlling real and imaginary stressors, and maintaining meaningful relationships with family and friends.
    By the end of the semester, I can accomplish regular self exams, and the value of being thankful for each day of my life.

  15. Physical: 27
    Social: 26
    Emotional: 24
    Environmental: 29
    Intellectual: 33
    Spiritual: 28
    Physical: 38

    The areas I need to work on the most are my social and physical health (which I expected), and emotional health (which I didn’t expect, but my sister did). My environmental health was a little better than I expected it to be, but could probably still use improvement.

    Today, to improve my health in the areas that need it, I can look at what I’m doing and try to figure out what I need to change. Within the next two weeks I can try to eat better and get more exercise. I can also work on my stress and anxiety levels. By the end of the semester I’d like to have improved in some of these areas.

  16. Out of an ideal 40, I scored:
    Spiritual Health—38; Social Health—37; Personal Health Promotion/Disease Prevention—37; Intellectual Health—36; Emotional Health—34; Environmental Health—31; Personal Health—30

    According to these scores, my overall “health awareness” is about half and half. While there are four categories in which I scored 35 or above—the ideal range—there are three areas in which I need to improve. I was not surprised to see Spiritual Health in the number one slot; however, I did not expect to see Personal Health at the bottom. I realize I do not eat, sleep, and exercise properly or regularly, but taking this assessment made it visibly apparent how much I am neglecting my physical body. Because I am generally happy with my body size and weight, I do not focus as much time or attention in these areas. When I do exercise, I focus on strength training. I need to develop a consistent regime of exercise with a balance of cardio, strength, and stretching. I also need to practice better time management, so I can get a healthy seven hours of sleep each night. Allotting more time for my physical (personal) health will increase my energy, as well as my mental alertness. In turn, this will affect the other dimensions of my health in a positive way.

    Seeing my Emotional Health outside the ideal range was another shocker. I like to think my Emotional Health would be closer to the top, but my scores reveal otherwise. The biggest stumbling block for me in this area is my inability to adjust and adapt or consistently handle negative situations in a positive way. I am a positive person by nature, but I struggle emotionally when I think others perceive me negatively—if even in one instance. It bothers me. While I need to be mindful of the persona I project, I should not allow what others think about me to weigh heavily regarding my emotional well-being. Taking this assessment helped me see the reality of my Emotional Health.

    Initially, I scored my Emotional Health as a 4 (Excellent). I was wrong. At best, my Emotional Health is average. The other five categories lined up with my initial ratings.

    Today I can begin improving my overall health awareness by objectively evaluating my behavior and identifying negative patterns and specific behaviors on which I need to improve. Once I have identified specific weaknesses, I can start small and pick one or two to positively change. Within the next two weeks I can maintain the positive habits and behaviors I already practice, as well as maintain the relationships that support said behaviors, so changing my negative habits will be less daunting. This will ensure I am not simply replacing one bad habit with another. Finally, by the end of this semester, I hope to schedule regular self-exams, so I can maintain my overall health awareness. Understanding my weaknesses and working toward a more balanced health will help me value each day and make the best of my opportunities.

  17. During my preliminary questionnaire I knew better than to give myself a 5 on any of the health sections, but I rated myself fairly well on environmental, intellectual, and spiritual health, with an average rating in my physical and social health and a poor rating in my emotional health.

    After completing the entire questionnaire, I was rather surprised with my results. My scores were (in order of the sections that were asked) 27,33,30,30,37,34 and 36. I had been incorrect in assuming that my emotional health would be the poorest of my health elements (though it was still fairly close); it turns out my physical health scored a mere 27/40. This really left me dumb-founded. “Am I really so unhealthy?” I found myself thinking. “How have I let myself get so out of shape?” I found some solace, at least, in my decently high spiritual and intellectual ratings (though learned that I could do well to better manage my time and initiate occasional “self-talk”) but was discouraged again when I realized how low my environmental health is, and how much more I could do to improve the beautiful Earth I live on and love.

    This assignment really opened my eyes to the truths about my health. I know now that there are more facets to health than just physical, and that I could do well to improve on all of them. Even for the areas I am currently okay with, I need to always maintain that health so that it does not grow worse over time.

    As of today, I can (and have) evaluate my health and make realistic goals to improve the areas in which I am lacking. I have decided to, at the very least, give up sodas and start setting aside at least thirty minutes a day for “me time”. I have spoken with my boyfriend about my goals and he is willing to help me see them through. I may even start a journal to chronicle my health improvement progress, but will need to purchase one first.

    During the next few weeks, I am going to do my best to start healthy exercise routines and set long term (realistic) goals for healthier eating. Maybe I will cut out many of my sweets altogether, and only allow myself to have something “fatty” on rare occasions. Luckily, as a virgin who is waiting until marriage I am saved altogether from the risks of STDs and pregnancy, but I can start to do weekly breast exams to be sure I am not in danger of the curse of cancer.

    By the end of the semester, I hope to have improved my social interactions, as it is healthy to spend time with other people. I hope to be routinely dieting and exercising (healthily of course!) and to be pleased with the person that I am mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, as well do more to ensure a better quality of living for the generations that proceed me. Simply conserving resources whenever possible and never passing up the opportunity to “go green!” could make more of a difference than I may ever fully realize. I also hope to be well learned on the subject of health, and know how to listen to my body and understand what it needs to stay healthy. Wish me luck! I have a long road ahead of me, but one that I know will benefit me in ways I couldn’t even begin to number.

  18. After completing the Access Yourself I learned that I need to improve in many areas of my life. I scored lowest in physical and environmental health. In environmental health my score was at its lowest of a 16, and in physical I scored a 27. I realize now that my environmental health is at a high risk. I feel the reason for this scenario is because I am not aware of the resources in South Carolina that will allow me to have an impact on the environment, and also I’m not too familiar with recycling. My physical health is not where it needs to be because I do not exercise much because I feel like time does not allow me to. However, I am sure that I can find some time over weekends to engage in at least thirty minutes of exercise.
    Furthermore, in social, spiritual, intellectual and emotional health I scored in the category of 30-34. I scored a 32 in social, 33 in spiritual and intellectual and a 34 in emotional. I was surprised by this scoring because I thought my emotional health would be at its lowest. I feel I have to improve in this area because I find myself crying a lot and not balancing stress positively at times. So I know that I can improve in this area as well as the others because there is always room for improvement.
    I scored highest with a 38 in my personal health and promotion or disease prevention. Because of me being a Nursing student I am aware of risks of diseases and I have more knowledge in this area. To improve my health status today I can evaluate my behavior and bad patterns, select an area of health I would like to change which would be physical, start a journal and tell one of my friends about my goal and maybe they can join me in trying to reach this goal.
    Over the next two weeks I can review my journal entries and track my success, revise the plan if needed, practice safer sex, maintain healthy eating and manage my weight, control my stress, and maintain the relationships in my life that mean a lot to me. Finally by the end of the semester I can schedule a regular self-exam, understand health care and value each day and value the opportunities in life.

  19. Physical: 28
    Social: 37
    Emotional: 32
    Environmental: 23
    Spiritual: 39
    Intellectual: 34
    Personal: 38

    My social, spiritual, and personal health were my highest scores. I am practicing great health habits in these three categories. My intellectual and emotional health scores are still very good, but there is room for improvement. My lowest scores were my physical and environmental scores. I need to work on both of these categories and improve them in order to be healthier.
    My scores are pretty similar to my ratings before I took the test. My intellectual health was better than I expected, but my environmental and physical health scores were lower than I expected. This questionnaire has brought these problems to my attention and let me know that I should take action to work on both my physical, and environmental health. In order do this, I must plan out steps to help improve my health.
    I have already taken the “asses yourself” quiz and identified the areas that I need to work on, but today I can make a journal to chart my progress as I reach my new goals, and tell my family about my choices to be healthier. Within the next two weeks I can begin recycling, eating healthier, and exercising. Throughout the remaining time of the semester, I can continue these actions in order to reach my goals and gain better health

  20. I scored high in 4 of the 7 aspects of health measured in the Assess Yourself 1. Overall my physical health scored 24, social health 36, emotional health 31, environmental health 30, spiritual health 39, intellectual health 37, and personal health prevention 37. While I excelled in the social, spiritual, intellectual and personal health promotion/ disease prevention areas of health, I scored in the risk areas in the physical, emotional, environmental areas of my health with a 24 in physical health, my worst area. This is not a surprise because I haven't made my physical fitness a priority since I played sports in high school. This caused me to be more active than I am now mainly because I find it hard to fit a workout routine into my schedule. I miss being active so it should not be that difficult to fix although it does require better time management on my part. I even scored myself as a 2 in this area during the beginning of the assessment because I have noticed how differently I feel since high school.
    Having scored a 30 in environmental health was a surprise for me because I've always thought of myself as a "green" person taking quick showers and buying eco-friendly products. I gave myself a 4 for my overall score in this area. However, I discovered that I am uninformed about the hazards of my environment and politically unsupportive of the environment. Hopefully, I will become more knowledgeable about the health risks of my environment and what I consume in this class.
    Scoring a 31 in the emotional area was also a surprise (albeit a smaller one) because I've always been told that I am emotional. I even gave myself a 1 in this area indicating very poor emotional health! Reviewing my answers made me realize that I need to find better ways to deal with stress and find ways to think more positively.
    Today I can reorganize my schedule to include time to be active and exercise. I can consider ways to become more eco-friendly by reducing my wastes. I can also take time for myself in order to meditate and strive to stay positive.
    Overtime, I can begin a regular workout routine which will also aid in reducing my stress levels and promote good emotional health. Also I can research the methods of recycling waste available to me in my community and consider ways to influence politicians to improve these conditions.
    By the end of the semester, I hope to have a permanent workout routine in place and improve my eating habits. I hope to improve my emotional health by managing my time better which will increase my sense of accomplishment and avoid stress. I also hope to become more environmentally conscious by not only considering how my environment affects/harms me but also how I harm the environment. My goal is to turn my sporadic attempts to be pro-environment into concrete habits. Overall, I have room to improve in all of the health dimensions, and now that I am aware of my current status I can work daily to improve my health in each of the dimensions.

  21. The six dimensions of health are physical, social, emotional, environmental, spiritual, and intellectual. The optimal score for all six dimensions are 40. However, I didn’t score a 40 on any of the dimensions, but I came close to 40 on some of the dimensions. My scores are as follows:
    Physical: 26; Social 37; Emotional 30; Environmental 17; Spiritual 35; Intellectual 31
    I concluded from my scores above that I need to improve on my Environmental and Physical health the most. According to Rebecca Donatelle, “When all the dimensions are in balance and well developed, they can support your active and thriving lifestyle,” in which looking at my scores I can see that there’s not a balance. When I think of health I always think of the “physical” dimension of it, which is incorrect, because mind-body health is important also, not just the body. For instance, I scored a 17 on the Environmental dimension of health; I now know that I need to start being aware of how the health of the environment can affect me as an individual. I also need to start recycling and being more conservative, such as conserving water, lights, and electricity. By conserving and recycling, I’m also helping others in the environment as well. Another area I need to improve on is the physical dimension of health. I scored a 26 in this area, whereas the optimal score is a 40. I know that I need to start exercising daily and eating healthier. I would like to start taking yoga classes to work on my flexibility and to improve my overall physical health.
    In the first part of the questionnaire I was asked to rate myself in the six dimensions before actually completing the assess yourself questions, I found that after completing the assess yourself questions that I was stronger in some dimensions than I previously rated myself. For instance, I scored a 37(excellent) on Social, which is the highest of all my scores compared to the other dimensions, whereas I rated myself in the beginning a 3(average). I also found that I am stronger emotionally than I previously thought. I rated myself a 2 in the Emotional dimension of health, but after answering the questions and calculating my score, I found that I’m doing very well in this dimension; but I could improve some more. I found that in order to see improvement in my emotional dimension, I need to learn to stop worrying so much and talk about my feelings so that I don’t let them turn into chronic issues.
    In order to improve my dimensions, today I can evaluate my behavior and identify patterns and specific things that I am doing. I can also tell a friend or family member about my behavior change goal and ask them to support me along the way. Within the next two weeks, I can maintain healthy eating habits, control real and imaginary stressors, and maintain meaningful relationships with family and friends. By the end of the semester I can value each day and make the best of opportunities.

  22. My highest scores were 39’s out of 40 in Personal Health Promotion/Disease Prevention and in Social health. Although these score are very high I can still improve by practicing monthly breast self-examinations more consistently then I do now and become more open to a loving and responsible relationship. My next highest scores were 36’s out of 40 in Spiritual and Intellectual health. These scores are fairly high too but can still be improved by me appreciating nature more, managing my time well and being more knowledgeable about the products I consume. I received 34 out of 40 in Emotional health. This score surprised me the most because I know I am not an emotional person at all! This score can be vastly improved by me being more open about my feelings and allowing myself to trust my friends and family more. I scored 30 out of 40 in Physical health. This score can be improved by me simply listening to my body and doing more stretching exercise to loosen up my muscles. My lowest score was 22 out of 40 in Environmental health. This can be improved by me being more involved with caring for my environment. I am not very active in being eco-friendly and that can be changed by recycling, and using natural products. I did not receive one perfect score which means there is room for improvement in all areas. The most improvement that needs to take place is in my environmental health and the least improvement needed is in Personal Health Promotion/Disease Prevention and in Social health.

  23. Hello everyone after doing the access yourself I have realized that I’m not as healthy in these dimensions as I thought. As I reevaluated my results I’ve noticed that I need to improve in 4 out of the 6 dimensions of health. Recapping my scores I got a 28 in personal health, 26 in social, 27 for emotional, 10 in environmental, 31 in spiritual, 35 in intellectual, and a 37 in personal physical/personal health. Compared to the ideal scores the only dimensions of health that I scored successfully in was Physical Health and Intellectual which I agree with 100% because I care about my body and I always weigh my options before making decisions..Well most of the time. My scores mean that I have to work on my health dimensions a great deal whether that means joining organizations or just conversations with others. I didn’t realize how much lack of respect I had for our environment until I did this so that’s something I can work on today by throwing away my plastic soda bottle and finishing my notes tonight by using the front and the back. My scores were wrong for the most part, I thought I was at least environmentally healthy but due to the scores I’m one of the worst offenders. Within the next two weeks I could possibly work on the social health issue I have, but it’s just this thing about meeting new people that I don’t really like. By the end of the semester I should be able to express my feelings if all my other dimensions of health are stable. I really need to start on the environmental first though.

  24. Physical Health 27
    Social Health 38
    Emotional Health 40
    Environmental Health 20
    Spiritual Health 36
    Intellectual Health 37
    Personal Promotion/DP 38

    What My Score Means?

    In the health categories of Social, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Personal Promotion/Disease Prevention, my scores were outstanding. It means I am aware of the importance of the behaviors in my overall health. It also means I practice good health habits in those specific areas which is important in reducing my overall health risks. In Physical and Environmental Health, although I am aware of the health risks, the scores that reflect my behaviors show otherwise. I can agree 100% with what my scores says about my habits. I definitely need some improvements in those areas.

    Today, I will evaluate my behaviors and identify my habits. I can start by selecting one pattern of behavior that I want to change which is exercising more per week. My short term goal would be to lose 1 lb per week. My long term goal would be to lose 50lbs and maintain that weight. Including family and friends for support in my behavior change goal will help me stay focused.

    Within the next two weeks, I will check to see if I’ve attained the short term goal I’ve set. I will start and maintain healthy eating habits to manage my weight.

    By the end of the semester, I will have a better understanding of the health care system. I will value each day and make the best of every opportunities presented.

  25. Overall, I feel that I need to work on my health. There are certain dimensions that I emphasize and others that seems to slip through the cracks. Some areas of health are very apparent. To me, physical, social, and spiritual health are the three areas that I focus the most on. I enjoy working out and feel a lot of motivation to eat healthy. I also make sure that I keep up with my friends and family and have a very strong support system and find much fulfillment in my relationships. I am also actively pursue spiritual health and make sure to keep up with my prayers and do service because that helps to keep me feeling close to God and reminds me of my purpose in life. Therefore, my score in physical health was 38. My score for social health was a 39 and my score for the spiritual dimension of health was a 39 as well. The score for my emotional health was a 32. For my environmental health was a 22. For my intellectual health it was a 30. For the physical health score that applied to college students, I scored a 32.

    My scores reflect the areas of health that I focus on and the areas of health that I tend to neglect. I need to work on my emotional, environmental, intellectual, and physical health. My high score on the social dimension of health could reflect the imbalance in the time I spend interacting with others and the time I spend meeting my own emotional needs. This is an unhealthy imbalance. If I am only spending energy on others emotional well being, then my own emotional health will suffer. I also need to improve my environmental health. I feel that I am unconsciously wasteful and need to start thinking about my impact on the environment because that will be the first step to becoming more environmentally healthy. In intellectual health also needs attention. I love to learn about new things but I know that I don’t always take the time to think through my decisions and take time to weigh my options.

    When I first rated myself, I felt that my physical health was average, my emotional and social health was above average, my environmental health was poor, my spiritual health excellent, and my intellectual health average. My estimated for my social, spiritual, intellectual, and environmental health were accurate. My physical health was better than I expected. This is probably because I placed more importance on my appearance rather than the amount of exercise I do. I overestimated my emotional health. This may be because I did not think that my reaction to changes and challenges would be a factor by which my emotional health would be measured.

    There are many changes that I can make to improve my overall health. I feel like the first thing called to my attention was my lack of attention to the environment. I have decided that I can start to recycle in our apartment and instead of buying cases of bottled water, invest in a filter for our sink to save bottles and maybe my roommates can use the filtered water as well. I feel like this is a good start. The fact that I am now conscience of my environmental health, will help me to improve it. I would also like to not eat out for two weeks. I feel that fast food is something that I can avoid. I would also like to make a concerted effort to take time for myself everyday and make sure that I spend as much time on my emotional health as a I do on my social health. I need to have more respect for each dimension and treat each with equal importance. The relationship between them may be subtle but it is something that I must start to respect if I am to achieve optimal health. By the end of the semester, I would like to significantly improve my environmental health. I would also like to start reacting to change and challenges in a positive way. I would like to improve my emotional health by making time for myself each day. These are a few things I feel that I can change by the end of the semester.

  26. Kendra Yates
    Assess Yourself
    January 30, 2012

    1. These scores show me where I rank on a scale of excellent and poor health. Through looking at these scores I see that I need to improve in a number of different levels of my health. I need to improve on my personal health and my environmental health. These two I knew I probably would have to improve on these but I didn’t know I would score this low.
    2. These scores reflect what the first questionnaire stated completely! My physical and personal health need improvement and I’m working on this now. As far as my environmental health I really have to have ways to improve it.
    3. Today I can start eating better and start working out more. To successfully do this I have to be mentally and emotionally motivated.
    4. In the next two weeks I can chart and manage what I have been doing and the progress that I have.
    5. By the end of the semester I expect to have improved my physical, personal, and environmental health. I hope to have lost 15-20 pounds.

  27. Personal Health 20/40
    Social Health 36/40
    Emotional Health 35/40
    Environmental Health 26/40
    Spiritual Health 32/40
    Intellectual Health 25/40
    Personal Health Promotion 34/40

    I really need to work on my personal, environmental, and intellectual health.

    I maintain my weight and I feel comfortable with myself most of the time, but I also know that I'm not healthy. I need to start some sort of exercise routine to get healthier. I thought I was more environmentally sound than I am. Apparently I’m not doing too well in that area. I recycle and try to be aware of how much waste I put out in the environment, but I could always do more to improve. My intellectual health was a lot lower than I predicted at first.
    My score in the first part of the assessment was generally a three in all areas. But when I took the longer portion of the assessment I found that I was higher in some areas that I had rated myself lower on, and vice versa.
    The main thing that I can do today is to acknowledge that I falter in several areas. I can start to think about ways to improve my health on all levels. I might start thinking about an exercise plan, and a food journal for my physical health. I could start some research for better ways to help the environment. And I could start getting more educated on topics to strengthen my intellectual health. In two weeks, I can put all these plans in motion. And by the end of the semester I can start to really better myself.

  28. Hello everyone while finishing up my Assess yourself I’ve noticed that my social skills are very terrible, being that I have a problem with meeting new people and accepting them, I tend to not speak, or if I do speak its very brief. Before starting the assess yourself I was already certain that being social is my downfall and has been for a very long time. To change this I plan on going to the meet and greet formal in the UC next week, to basically interact with some of my peers that I have yet to. When I calculated the numbers 2, 7, 11, 15, and 19 my average came out to 2.8 which is a little under 3. On number 11 I scored a 5, this was because I’m a very competitive person towards everything that I do, which is a mental toughness I have gained through the years, and the fact that hard work pays off. I need to work on my social skills because it’s good to meet new people, and get other perspective on situations. I’m so use to trapping myself in the house and watching TV that it doesn’t bother me that I don’t go hang with friends or anything. I really need to work on putting myself first sometimes instead of stressing myself over others problems, that I can’t even control. After adding the rest of my score my average was over 3, it was at 3.72. I scored 5’s on numbers, 1, 10, 11, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, and 30. When I added the items without the 5’s the average went back to an even 3. For starters today I realized that I’m to antisocial, I really need to start interacting with others, not a lot just a few people though. I plan to accept the fact that I’m to antisocial and I will start a conversation with someone. Within the next two weeks I plan to talk to my mom on topics dealing with my past, present, and future because I usually just hold everything until a physical altercation happens, that will help me emotionally. By the end of the semester I plan on being psychologically sound in all dimensions of health
