Tuesday, April 17, 2012

HLTH 301 Blog # 10 – A POEM

We have discussed personal and community health all semester. For your final blog comment you will create an ACROSTIC Poem using the words PERSONAL & COMMUNITY HEALTH.

An acrostic poem is, a short verse composition, constructed so that one or more sets of letters (such as the initial, middle, or final letters of the lines), taken consecutively, form words. Below is an example using the word acrostic:


An acrostic poem
Can be about anything
Of course, some people like to
Start each line as a sentence, like this one, though
I prefer weaving words into a
Creation that is more free form.

Here is another example using my first name:


Janis is
Natural woman, and is
Sincerely, in your acrostic poem about PERSONAL & COMMUNITY HEALTH.

The words must connect to personal & community health, course content, and make sense in order for you to earn points for this blog comment.

Reflection will not be assessed for this comment. I will assess CONTENT (4 points), CRITICAL THINKING (4 points) and PRESENTATION (2 points).

Your turn, and have fun with it!





  1. People
    Loving individuals who genuinely
    Care about
    Our health. It Really doesn’t
    Matter if your young of old
    Millions of people should
    Understand the value of
    Ignore the negative responses.
    Trust me
    You will be happy you made the step towards a healthy lifestyle

    Everyone learn
    About the value of health is a
    Learning skill a
    Health advocate will enjoy doing for his or her community.

  2. People in America tend to
    Eat a Western Diet and they have an inclined
    Risk of heart disease,
    One should eat
    Nutrient-dense foods, stay
    Away from meats, so they will be healthier and
    Live longer, healthier lives!!
    & (IGNORE THE &)
    College students have
    Other factors that can influence their health.
    Most college students have bad sleeping habits.
    Many also have high stress levels that
    Undoubtedly add to their unhealthy behaviors.
    Nutritionist believe that
    It is viable
    That we eat a whole foods, plant-based diet.
    You can treat your body better & have a

    Healthier life and avoid diseases.
    Everyone should eat healthy
    And take care of their environment,
    They will create a
    Healthier, happier lifestyle that may carry on into future generations!!

  3. People
    Eventually will
    Realize how important and
    Serious it is to consider regulate what we feed
    Ourselves and how we diet.
    Nothing is more important than taking care of our health to insure
    A long healthy

    Coping with giving up those burgers and fries that are loaded with fat and Twinkies that are processed to stay fresh that may seem
    Oh so good at first is at the top of the list of steps that have to be taken. Along with
    Memories of big juicy hot dogs that are filled with basically junk that can possibly cause heart disease. Top with all the fixin’s such as onions that are grown in soil that has added chemicals to make the bigger. Finished off by the taste of a Krispy Kreme donut just
    Melting in your mouth right after the “Hot Light” just came on may be
    Unforgettable moments, but they have to be done, because a change in diet may not be what we want, but it is definitely what we
    In order
    To live long lives full of healthy
    Years and not full of Krispy Kremes!

    Having learned through this course what meats and processed food can do to my body, I plan to begin
    Eating more plant based foods
    As well as more green foods. I may even start living by a new motto…
    Let it grow from the ground, let it fall from the
    Trees, let it be plucked fresh, so that I know it’s fresh and

  4. People
    Everywhere are
    Responsible for their own health.
    Or later,
    No one will be able to
    Avoid the affects of bad health. The
    Labels on food is important! "Empty -
    Carb" foods are for losers! Knowing the
    Origin of your food is essential!
    Moderation is key!
    Many people do not
    Understand the importance of nutrition.
    Nutrient- dense foods for life!
    It is important that you
    Take care of every part of
    Your body because your whole body works in

    Everyone should eat a whole foods, plant-based diet.
    And prevention is VERY important! Remember: there's a
    To lose if you lose your

  5. People today do not
    Nourish their bodies
    All the wrong ways,
    Like with
    Convenience foods.
    Mainly with a
    Meat-based diet.
    United together, we can
    Not only eliminate the diseases of
    Ill people, we can
    Try and educate the
    Young and older generations of

    Alternatives now, rather than
    Later on in their lives. It is important
    To take your
    Health seriously.

  6. People often take their health for granted and
    Entirely too many people make up silly
    Reasons to live unhealthy lifestyles.
    Simple things can make a difference,
    Organic diets and exercise for example.
    Not only is your own health important but
    Also those around you! Their
    & (and)
    Choices can affect you and your family.
    Offering your health knowledge to your community can
    Make a big difference in people lives.
    Mostly helping them make changes that
    Ultimately improve their health.
    Notifying and sharing
    Information with others, not only helps
    Them but also helps

    Having healthy lifestyles and
    Eating habits will
    Allow everyone in the community to
    Live longer and healthier, and they will
    Thank you for
    Helping everyone to become healthier!

  7. Prevent health problems:
    Reduce your intake of
    Simple carbohydrates and saturated fats.
    Organic is better for you and the planet.
    No violence.
    Allow time for adequate sleep.
    Lose weight if your BMI is over 25.
    Consume complex carbohydrates.
    Open yourself to spiritual connections.
    Manage your stress.
    Moderation in all things.
    Understand your risks for disease.
    Nurture relationships with friends and family.
    Intellectual stimulation promotes better health.
    Tobacco kills.
    Your environment is important to your health, so

    Help keep it healthy.
    Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much.
    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
    Love yourself.
    Think positive thoughts.
    Have regular checkups and screening tests.

  8. Hi everyone here is my poem:
    People should
    Eat foods that will
    Result in better health
    Such as plants and
    Other organic foods.
    Natural eating
    Ables you to cut the risk for
    Life threatening diseases
    Conditions such as heart disease
    Or cancer, which should be the
    Motivation people should need to
    Monitor what they consume.
    Unprocessed should also be one of the key words related to
    Nutrition, for
    It is the best
    Type of food for
    Your body to consume.

    Hearing from your doctor or being able to witness that
    Every dimension of health is stable or working properly
    And you are overall healthy, will
    Light up anyone's eyes and
    The question
    "How healthy are you?" will be easier than ever to answer!

  9. People are fat. I can think of politer ways to say,
    Except I am not one for sugar coating, even less now.
    Real reason being: I have newfound health awareness!
    Sticklers for “fat-free” aren't my shtick. I’m speaking
    Of eating food, mostly plants, not too much.
    Nutrition begins in the mind. Think about it: We
    Are what we eat, right? Then how can we be so
    Lazy, giving little thought to what we consume,
    Commit-less to consuming whatever we think about?
    On second thought, shouldn’t we spend more effort
    Managing our planning (keeping the
    Munchies at bay) as we do our snack change?
    Unless we desire obesity... *eat less, move more:
    Necessity. Mindless eating coupled with immobility
    Impedes our ability to function optimally.
    Their guts run amok in their lives. Our
    Yearning should be for hearty health, not portions.

    However, serving size does count; if only
    Every serving could fit in the palm of our hand…
    Adult eaters bear in mind: a doctor
    Listens to the heart
    To determine your health. Therefore, let the
    Hunger—not the happy—govern your heart. #eat2live

  10. Plant based diets and
    Regularly, but in moderation
    Seems to be the
    One and only
    Natural way
    A person's
    Life can be prolonged.

    Cucumbers, lettuce and
    May be some vegetables to eat in
    Nuggets, meat, diary and
    Italian dressing in a bottle
    That are
    Yummy foods, but not healthy.

    Eating and exerise
    Life's key components
    To a
    Healthy life with reduced risk of heart disease.

  11. Personally, I think one must balance
    Emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and social health.
    Respect for your health is
    Something you must have if
    Overall wellness is to be achieved.
    Naturally one must pay
    Attention to health or you will
    Lose it.
    Casine is harmful but
    Of course only
    Moderation will truly
    Make a difference in
    Unilateral health improvement.
    Natural food will not do no good without
    Incorporating exercise into
    The everyday routine of
    Your life.

    Here and now,
    Everyone should make a change to their life that will
    Allocate attention to
    Long lasting,
    Time enduring,
    Health improvement

  12. People live in a world today where they
    Eat many foods that can
    Really be detrimental their health
    Such as heavily processed foods
    On a daily basis or even those with
    Not as much fat, but have fat nonetheless
    All because we are society who has
    Lived most of their entire life on a Western Diet
    & (IGNORE THE &)
    Choosing to eat healthy
    Monitor what goes into our mouths
    Might not be the easiest to do, but
    Using a plan or having a strategy
    Not only can help your health, but benefit
    It in the long run
    The real key to having a healthy lifestyle is

    Having the choice to live healthy
    Easily makes me feel that I want to
    Alternate my eating behaviors to
    Live a long and disease free life
    This might take a considerable amount of time, but
    Having positive motivation is all I need to start.

  13. Physical fitness is very important. It gives you
    Energy for daily activity.
    On tract with good health is very hard, but with the
    Needed nutrients and
    Activity makes your
    Life more enjoyable to live. To start this health kick it is important to
    Check the circumference
    Of you waist.
    Make sure you can not pinch too
    Much fat.
    Usually this helps you target how much weight you
    Need to lose.
    If you identify the area that needs work and set your
    You’ll reach your goals.

    Healthful diets
    Earns you
    Healthy life!

  14. Ways to have good

    Personal health include:
    Sleeping well, being
    Open-minded, being open to
    New experiences,
    Living a life aware of the community around us.


    Community health is
    Our health and the health of the world around us and what that
    Means for our futures.
    My health and
    Understanding my health is
    Necessary for
    Improving my life and
    The lives of others around me, and for living many healthy

    Having good health should be important to
    All of us should be aware of our health throughout our
    Lives, and we should
    Take the steps to either become
    Healthy or continue to be healthy.

  15. Please
    Of the
    Nation's food sources
    Are really
    Meat and dairy from your diet,
    Mostly plants
    Usually will do the trick.
    Everything you need. Oh wait!
    Also a
    Little recycling is
    Thoughtful and
    Helps keep our environment clean

  16. Personal health
    effects every part of
    your body so as knowledgeable health
    students we should have
    obtained meaningful skills to
    now set realistic goals
    and values that we can
    follow for the rest of our lives.


    Community health plays
    another important role in your lives. To
    make your community healthy, it takes
    many hours of hard work and
    unity from neighbors to make it work.
    When you have a support system as such
    it will not take as long for you to
    Implement changes your community that it
    may need to be an honestly healthy place.

  17. 301 Page, Giles Blog 10
    Personal-Everyone should treat
    Earth-like is their own back yard
    Resources-are precious .Conserve natural resources. Plant a tree. It will produce oxygen. Clean the air. Shade your home and family. Protect you from the wind. Give you leaves for you compost pile.
    Save rain water-Catching rain water to water your garden and house plants. Make sure you cover your rain barrel with screen to keep mosquitoes from breeding in the water.
    Oil- Oil is a big polluter. One quart of oil can pollute thousands of gallons of water. This past week was the 2 year anniversary of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We are just beginning to see the peak of the iceberg that is the ecological damage. A 3 minute bump into an iceberg took down the Titanic, the unsinkable ship, in less than 6 hours. Will a 3 month oil leak take down all the wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico? Fish are showing diseases, dolphin are dying, the oil is killing the plants that hold small islands together, so wildlife is losing their living spaces. How many species will become extinct, from this environmental disaster or at least disappear from the Gulf of Mexico?
    Nuclear-might be cleaner if done right. Larger isn’t always better. I did a paper a long time ago on nuclear safety. Some of the information I fought out was talking about how there is a size of react or that is stoppable if the reaction starts getting too far. Most reactors built are 400 to 600 times bigger than the size that is more stoppable.
    Aqua- Clean aqua and unpolluted
    Land-can support the people of the world with food.

    Churches- and
    Other groups can help make
    Many- vacant lots available to have
    Municipal-co-op gardens. Co-op gardens can help give people fresh organic vegetables. Those who do have any money, to paying the small fees, can gather extra vegetables for disable people or soup kitchens. People’s idea of trash need to
    Undergo- an overhaul.
    Ideas- about what to do with
    Yard chippings to make rich organic compost. Clean paper, news papers, leaves and yard chippings can be composted to use in the co-op gardens. The owners of the lots would have their lots kept clean and the organic composting would actually improve the soil of the when you take aluminum can to a recycle center around here, if you have aluminum foil in bag, the people will take it out and throw it in the trash. People it is ALUMINUM, ok don’t give me cash for it. Just recycle it. I get around this. I tear it up into strips, stuff it into the cans, and then crush the cans so they can’t tell the aluminum foil is in there.

    Heap leaves, yard chippings, vegetable scraps, and shredded paper into compost piles. Turn it over once in a while. Spray it down with water once in a while. Throw in some
    Earthworms to help break down the materials.
    Add the compost to your garden spot or containers to enrich the
    Help you live a healthier life style by having cheap organic vegetables. A few tomato plants, a few squash plants, a few okra plants might not feed your family, but those few plants can save you a couple of dollars a day while you are getting fresh vegetables off of them. If you get enough vegetables off your few plants to feed your family one day, you don’t have to drive to the store to get food. Now that day you have save 6 to 8 dollars because you didn’t have to buy food or drive to get food. Plant gourds. Building bird houses or making bird houses out of gourds will attract birds. The birds will eat bugs and mosquitoes to keep you from putting pesticides on your plants and on you. Planting marigolds in between plants will repel bugs, too.
    Starting small with a container garden or just planting a few plants in the shrubbery area around your house can help your wallet and help you start a healthier lifestyle.

  18. 301 Timmons, RosettaApril 23, 2012 at 4:11 PM

    hEalth and fitness is a
    mAintaing good


    beCome a leader in
    coMmunity and
    Neighbors and
    To lead
    healthY lifestyles.

    A difference by
    Leading your peers
    To great

  19. Physical fitness, such as excercise, not only promotes physical well-being but
    Emotional health as well, such as the ablity to express emotions when appropriate.
    Read the nutrition label on the back of all your food to
    See what your consuming
    On a daily basis.
    Networking facilitates the
    Ability to have satisfying interpersonal relationships. These relationships allow you to get
    Learned optimisim, to teach yourself to think positively.


    Circadian rhythm, sleep cycle patterns, can sometimes be interrupted, in which case
    Opioids, sleep inducing drugs, are needed.
    Mental health can be influenced by lack of sleep, and so can your
    Motivation to complete tasks.
    Unintentional injuries,
    Now-a-days, are the leading causes of death for children and adults
    Into their mid-40's

    Have to realize the
    Envirnometal impacts of their choices.
    Allowing yourself to understand and express your purpose in
    Life promotes
    The spiritual
    Health in your life...love the world around you.

  20. People should remember to
    Exercise daily because
    Resting all day
    iS not good at all.
    Organic foods are
    Necessary to keep
    A balanced diet.
    Local farmers markets
    Create the best foods because they are all fresh in season foods.
    Of course people get cravings for some unhealthy things
    Meat that is over-processed is a good example of this.
    Munchies however, are not always
    Unhealthy as long as you grab something
    Nutrient dense.
    If eating healthy doesn’t sound fun
    Try mixing it up and trying lots of new things
    You might be surprised at how
    Eating can be an
    Adventure and make
    Life more fun and long
    Trying these tips should lead to a
    Healthy long life.

  21. Personal heath is something that one should pride themselves in

    Everyone needs to have moderate amounts of

    Regular exercise and a healthy diet

    So they should have and a plan and stick with it

    Or else expect to have a chronic health issues

    Nutritious snacks should be eaten
    All throughout the day to avoid overeating and

    Loading up on large portion sizes at dinner time

    & (IGNORE THE &)

    Commit to a plan

    Or expect failure and an unhealthy body

    Maintain a healthy weight will allow one to

    Maintain a healthy body image

    Understanding what it means to be healthy is a good thing

    Never give up even if you cheat on your diet

    It is important that you

    Try, try, try, because

    You being healthy is what really matters!!!!

    How to eat healthy is

    Easy to do

    All you have to do is eat lots of planets, but not too much

    Limit cravings and remember

    Time wasted on junk foods can never be retrieved

    Having a lifestyle that is healthy is what you want to achieve.

  22. Personal
    Reservoir that
    Manufacturing products that
    That tells
    Edible things are to your

  23. Prevention is key.
    Everyone body is different.
    Repetition of healthy habits help them stick.
    Stress affects all demintions of your health.
    Obese people are more at risk of heart disease.
    Never to late to improve your health.
    Always think of where your food is from.
    Living healthy is hard but possible
    & (IGNORE THE &)
    Compare amounts of ingredients foods contain.
    One thing that affects your health is stress
    Many people are to stressed.
    Many do not know there is good stress.
    Un processed food is best.
    Natural food is the next best.
    Intake of food is a good thing to recorded.
    To lose weight burn more calories than you eat.
    You should cut daire out your diet

    Healthy food is not the top care of most people
    Eat balanced diet.
    Animals are not to be ate.
    Less is enough serving sizes have grown.
    Take action in your health.
    Health is very important and should not be ignored

  24. Prevention and moderation are key
    Elements to living a long healthy life.
    Remember to
    On track by consuming
    Nutrient dense based foods
    Lean meats.

    Cook your own food in order to
    Make sure that the correct
    Measurements are
    Never overuse
    You can't take out.

    Help people know that by them
    And eating a healthy diet, it
    To a
    Healthy life, in which is essential to their overall well being as they increase with age.

  25. Hudson 301

    Practicing daily
    Exercises can be
    Relaxing, and
    Or you could
    Not do it
    At all, and have a
    Low self-esteem because you don’t have self
    Control. So more than likely your
    Overwight, and this should
    Motivate you to want to
    Make changes in you eating habits.
    Unless you don’t mind
    Not being heathy, which
    That your health is not one of
    Your top priorities.

  26. I completely forgot to paste the HEALTH the first time.

    Hudson 301

    Practicing daily
    Exercises can be
    Relaxing, and
    Or you could
    Not do it
    At all, and have a
    Low self-esteem because you don’t have self
    Control. So more than likely your
    Overwight, and this should
    Motivate you to want to
    Make changes in you eating habits.
    Unless you don’t mind
    Not being heathy, which
    That your health is not one of
    Your top priorities.

    Life differently based on
    Heritage, religion, race and gender.

  27. [P]erhaps one of the worst health obstacles we must overcome is that
    [E]veryone wants to
    [R]eally believe they are at optimal health,
    [S]o they ignore the dangers
    [O]f forgetting what
    [N]utrition really is
    [L]et themselves
    [C]orrupt their bodies with the junk that
    [O]ur government
    [M]arkets to us as “nourishment”.
    [M]y new and truest desire is that each of
    [U]s will gain an enlightened understanding of the true meaning of
    [N]utrition, and that
    [I], along with my peers will
    [T]ake what we have learned this semester about our bodies’ needs very seriously.
    [Y]ears from now, I

    [H]ope that
    [E]ach of us will look back on this semester
    [A]nd be able to say we put what we
    [L]earned into practice in a way
    [T]hat quite possibly
    [H]elped to both save our lives and allow us to truly live them.

  28. Pigs cows and chicken
    Exciting to your taste buds
    Realizing not of where they come from or how
    they were raised
    Some animals may been raised with hormone shots
    Others may have been raise stressed
    Needless to say, I never thought that this can
    effect my health
    As until this semester I know what is healthy
    for my taste buds
    Like most people sometimes I
    Can get the cravings for junk food without
    realizing some
    Of the consequences that it
    May harm my health in the future
    Maintaining my health balance can be hard but I
    try not to get
    Upset if I slip up, because I know that I am
    Not perfect
    It's important to know your health so
    You can live a stronger and longer life
    Having a healthy balance is the best thing I Ever done for myself, this
    Allows me to feel better about myself and I am
    Limitless on what I can achieve and do
    Therefore I now know
    How to maintain a healthy diet and my calorie

  29. People should
    So that
    Nation is more healthy.
    As a result of this class, i have
    Learned to

    Communicate with
    Others about how healthy lifestyles
    Make your life
    More enjoyable. The
    United States often
    That arise as a result of unhealthy lifestyles.
    You should

    Help and
    Encourage others to be healthy
    As well.
    Let's work
    Together to make a more
    Healthy nation!

  30. Peeing out money
    Everyday with
    Retarded supplements.
    Some people think it helps, but
    Only the few know the truth.
    Now I know the truth
    About health.
    Lifestyle changes are in order.
    Contemplating is only half
    Of the job.
    Making an effort to learn
    More about health is the
    Urgent need for my community and me.
    No one should be left out of the loop when
    I know how to help them
    Treat their bodies with respect.
    You and I are capable of
    Healing ourselves with some
    All we need is the knowledge.
    Let us nourish our bodies
    To the point of sheer
